Anne Cambon-Thomsen

Anne Cambon-Thomsen, MD, is Director of Research at CNRS (Frenchnational centre for scientific research) and emeritus since 2015, working in aresearch Unit on epidemiology and public health at Inserm (National Institutefor Health and Medical Research), and University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier,Faculty of Medicine Toulouse, France. Specialist in human immunogenetics, witha masters in human biology, a degree in health ethics, she leads aninterdisciplinary research team on Genomics, biotherapies and public health,involving human and social sciences as well as health sciences She teaches in human genetics, public health and bioethics. After apostdoc in Copenhagen (Denmark), she directed two research units inimmunogenetics, immunopathology and population genetics, in Toulouse (France)between 1985 and 1997. After many contributions to the study of human geneticvariation in populations and diseases and to transplantation immunogenetics, sheworked and published in recent years on societal aspects of biobanks,biotherapies, genetic testing, biomarkers, high throughput technologies, datasharing, and biotechnologies. Her work with and on biobanks and bioresourcesand afferent research policies led her to launch the BRIF (Bioresource researchimpact factor) international initiative in 2010 . She also leads the Genetics and Society platform of theToulouse-Midi-Pyrénées Genopole, Genotoul and is the co-ordinator and co-director of the Common Service on ethical,legal and social implications (ELSI) of BBMRI-ERIC - the Biobanks andbiomolecular research infrastructure European consortium Leader of the ELSI work on several European projects dealing withbiobanks, genetic data, high throughput technologies, she is President of the scientific council of the French birth cohort ELFE, President of the French Society of Human Genetics, member of the board of the French Foundation forrare diseases, and of several scientific advisory boards and participates inscience in society actions. Former member of the CCNE (French national advisorybioethics committee), of the European Group on ethics of science and new technologies (EGE) and of the Public and professional policy committee of the European society of human genetics, past-Chair of the Life sciences operational ethics committee in CNRS, she is presently Chair of the deontology and ethics committee of the National Cancer Institute in France. She is also member of other committees: ethics and policy committee of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), ethics and deontology committee of the French blood institute (EFS, Etablissement français du sang), ethics committee of the Toulouse White Biotechnology project (TWB) and expert at the Ethics committee of CNRS (COMETS).  She has successfully presented the Toulouse bid for organizing the EuroScience Open Forum 2018 (ESOF 2018) that will give the label of European City of Science to this town and grantingher the title of ESOF Champion.   

Fifteen recent publications (2011-2015) :

1.     Cambon-Thomsen A, Thorisson Ga, Mabile L on behalf of the BRIF workshop group. The role of a bioresource research impact factor as an incentive to share human bioresources. Nat Genet, 2011, 43: 503-4

2.     Blasimme A, Soulier A Julia S, Leonard S, Cambon-Thomsen A. Disclosing results to genomic research participants: differences that matter. Am J Bioethics, 2012, 12:10, 20-22

3.     Kaye J, Meslin E M., Knoppers B M., Juengst E T., Deschênes M, Cambon Thomsen, A, Chalmers D, De Vries J, Edwards K, Hoppe N, Kent A, Adebamowo C, Marshall P, Kato K. ELSI 2.0 for Genomics and Society Science, 2012, 336, 673-674

4.     Mahalatchimy A, Rial-Sebbag E, De Grove-Valdeyron N, Tournay V, Cambon-Thomsen A,  Duguet Am, Taboulet F. The European Medicines Agency: A Public Health European Agency? Medicine and Law Journal, 2012, Vol. 31, N°1, 25-42

5.     Rial-Sebbag E, Cambon-Thomsen A. Emergence of biobanks in the legal landscape: towards a new model of governance. Journal of law and society Vol 39, Number 1, March 2012, 113-30

6.     Ruyssen-Witrand A, Constantin A, Cambon-Thomsen A, Thomsen M. New insights into the genetics of immune responses in rheumatoid arthritis. Tissue Antigens, 2012, Aug;80(2):105-18

7.     Anastasova V., Blasimme A., Julia S., Cambon-Thomsen A. Genomic incidental findings: reducing the burden to be fair. Am J Bioethics, 2013 Feb;13(2):52-4

8.     Anastasova V., Mahalatchimy A., Rial-Sebbag E., Antó Boque J.M., Keil T., Sunyer J., Bousquet J., Cambon-Thomsen A. Communication of results and disclosure of incidental findings in longitudinal paediatric research. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2013, 24  389-394

9.     De Castro, P, Calzolari A,, Napolitani, F, Rossi A M., Mabile, L, Cambon-Thomsen, A, Bravo, E; Open data sharing in the context of bioresources. Acta Inform Med. 2013; 21(4): 291-292

10.   Ducournau P., Gourraud Pa., Rial-Sebbag E., Cambon-Thomsen A., Bulle A., Direct-to-consumer health genetic testing services: what commercial strategies for which socio-ethical issues ? Health Sociology Review (2013) 22(1): 75-87

11.   Howard H. C., Swinnen E., Douw K., Vondeling H., Jean-Jacques Cassiman J.J., Cambon-Thomsen A., Borry P. on behalf of PHGENII The ethical  introduction of genome-based information and technologies into public health. Public health genomics, 2013, 16(3):100-9

12.   Mabile L.; Dalgleish R.; Thorisson G. A.; Deschênes M.; Hewitt R; Carpenter J.; Bravo E.; Filocamo M; Gourraud P. A.; Harris J. R.; Hofman P.; Kauffmann F.; Muñoz-Fernàndes M. A.; Pasterk M.; Cambon-Thomsen A.; on behalf of The BRIF working group. Quantifying the use of bioresources for promoting their sharing in scientific research. Giga Science, 2013 May 1;2(1):7

13.   Meslin E., Blasimme A., Cambon-Thomsen A. Mapping the Translational Science Policy 'Valley of Death', Clin Transl Med. 2013 Jul 27;2(1):14. [Epub ahead of print]

14.   Mahalatchimy A., Rial-Sebbag E., Duguet A.- M., Taboulet F., Cambon-Thomsen A. Impact of European Courts' decisions on embryonic stem cells patents: toward new research strategies. Nat Biotech, 2015, Jan 9, 3: 41-43

15.     Bravo E., Calzolari A, De Castro P, Mabile L, Napolitani F, Rossi A M, Cambon-Thomsen A, Developing a guideline for a standardized citation of bioresources in journal articles (CoBRA). BMC Medicine, 2015