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LOGICIELS STATISTIQUES Géron A. Machine Learning avec Scikit-Learn. Mise en oeuvre et cas concrets. 3e édition. Ed. Dunod. 2023. 324 p. cote STAT105 Berglund P. Heeringa S. Multiple imputation of missing data using SAS®. 2014. Ed. SAS Publishing. 164p. (STAT90)
Allison PD. Survival analysing using SAS®. A practical guide. Second edition. 2010. Ed. SAS Press. 324p. (STAT73)
Cahuzac E. Bontemps C. Stata par la pratique : statistiques, graphiques et éléments de programmation. 2008. Ed. Stat press. 254p. (STAT56)
Rabe-Hesketh S. Skrondal A. Multilevel and longitudinal modeling using stata. Second edition. 2008. Ed. Stata Press. 562p. (STAT61)
Hatcher L. A step-by-step approach to using SAS® for factor analysis and structural equation modeling. 2007. Ed. SAS Publishing. 608p. (STAT74)
Bocquier P. L'essentiel de Stata. 1998. Ed. Global Design. 200p. (STAT39)