Projets européens FP7 / EU supported FP7 projects•
EUCELLEX : Cell based regenerative medicine : new challenges for EU legislation and governance. (Coordination France, Inserm, E. Rial-Sebbag, UMR 1027; 2013 - 2016 ) - GA 601806
MEDALL : Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy (Coordination France, Inserm, J Bousquet, 2010 - 2015; ELSI WP leader A. Cambon-Thomsen) - GA 261357
BIOSHARE : Biobank Standardization and Harmonization for Research Excellence in the European Union (Coordination The Netherlands, University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), R. Stolk , 2010 - 2015; ELSI tasks participant and BRIF leader A. Cambon-Thomsen) - GA 261433
ESGI : European Sequencing and Genotyping Infrastructure (Coordination Allemagne, Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics ; S Sauer, 2011 - 2015; ELSI WP leader A. Cambon-Thomsen) - GA 262055.
EUROTARGET : European collaborative project on Targeted therapy in renal cell cancer - genetic and biomarkers (Coordination The Netherlands, Radboud University Medical Center ; Bart Kiemeney, 2011 - 201 ; ELSI WP leader A. Cambon-Thomsen) - GA 259939
• BBMRI-LPC : Biobank and biomolecular research infrastructure, Large prospective cohort. (Coordination
Finland and The Netherlands ; Markus Perola, and Leiden University Medical Center (
LUMC), Gertjan van Ommen ; 2013-2017. ELSI tasks co-leader E. Rial-Sebbag) - GA313010;
3 GBTEST : Introducing diagnostic applications of 3Gb-testing' in human genetics. (Coordination : The Netherlands, University Medical Centre Leiden, Egbert Bakker; 2013-2015; ELSI WP leader A. Cambon-Thomsen ;GA 602269
Action COST CHIP ME : Citizen's Health through public-private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives. Coordination Italie, Elia Stupka ;A. Cambon-Thomsen member management committee;participants:E. Rial-Sebbag, A Blasimme) 2013-2016; ISCH Cost action N° IS1303
ROTM- Rights on the move: Rainbow families in Europe projet co-financé par l'UE - 2013-2015 (Coordination: Italie, University of Trento;Alexander Schuster ; Responsable UMR 1027:AM Duguet)
BRIF initiative : Bioresources research impact factor initiative (Coordination : A. Cambon-Thomsen; Project manager : L. Mabile). 2010-2017.
• Sarcopenia and Physical Railty IN older people:multi-componenT Treatment strategies
SPRINTT GA No 115621, IMI 2014-2018.
Contrats nationaux•
IBISS : Incorporation biologique et inégalités sociales de santé (Coordination C. Delpierre, Inserm; Responsable d'axe SHS: E. Rial-Sebbag; financement ANR)
• Marqueurs génétiques et prise en charge de la Polyarthrite rhumatoïde R. Financé par AMPS (Association Midi-Pyrénées Santé; Responsable Adeline Ruyssen-Witrand)
Information de la parentèle en génétique: enjeux et mise en œuvre en cas de maladie génétique à caractère familial. Financé par INCa (Institut national du cancer) - Coordonné par Sandrine de Montgolfier, Paris; responsable UMR 1027: Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag; 2013-2015.
• Quantification du soi : enjeux socio-techniques, juridiques et sanitaires, Agence de sécurité du médicament et des produits desanté (ANSM), 2016-2018.