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Dupouy J, Moulis G, Tubery M, Ecoiffier M, Sommet A, Poutrain JC, Arlet P, Lapeyre-Mestre M. Which Adverse Events Are Related to Health Care during Hospitalization in Elderly Inpatients? Int J Med Sci. 2013 Jul 31;10(9):1224-30. doi: 10.7150/ijms.6640.
Dupouy J, Bez J, Barsony J, Oustric S, Lapeyre-Mestre M. [Opiate Substitution Treatment's Cycles in a Five-year Followed-up Cohort in Ambulatory Practice]. Therapie. 2013 May-Jun;68(3):155-61. doi: 10.2515/therapie/2013022.
Durrieu G, Mazau B, Jégu J, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Delord JP, Montastruc JL; the French network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers. Drugs and Cancer: an Analysis of the French Pharmacovigilance Database. Therapie. 2013 5-6;68(3):149-154.
Bounes V, Jouanjus E, Roussin A, Lapeyre-Mestre M. Acute pain management for patients under opioid maintenance treatment: what physicians do in emergency departments? Eur J Emerg Med. 2013 Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Montastruc F, Moulis G, Gardette V, Durrieu G, Montastruc JL. Junior doctors' attitudes towards drug companies. Prescrire Int. 2013 Jul;22(140):195.
Montastruc JL, Montastruc F. Prescribe, but also know how to "deprescribe". Prescrire Int. 2013 Jul;22(140):192.