CERPOP - Centre d'Epidémiologie et de Recherche en santé des POPulations
CERPOP, UMR 1295, Joint Research Unit: Inserm - University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier


Our objective is to increase knowledge on the physiopathological and social determinants of poor health, as well as to study the care, follow-up and treatment of chronic conditions. Our research takes a global approach, including biological, physical and psychological factors considering individuals in their family and social environment, which requires a multidisciplinary perspective.

One of the original features of our approach is that it covers the entire health trajectory of individuals and populations, from the construction of health over the life course to the development of diseases and their healthcare management. Research within the CERPOP covers all periods of life and is structured into four teams:

The AGING team consists of 2 axes:
         MAINTAIN axis - Maintenance of intrinsic functions and capacities with aging: preventive and personalized interventional research
         ARTERRE - Evaluation of the risk and treatment of atherosclerosis: towards the epidemiology of risk reduction
The SPHERE team - Perinatal, pediatric and adolescent health: epidemiological and evaluative approach
The EQUITY team - Embodiment, social inequalities, life course epidemiology, cancer and chronic diseases, interventions, methodology
The BIOETHICS team- Health innovation trajectories: bioethical and societal issues

In addition to knowledge production, our research also aims to inform interventions and public health applications.

Our work offers a unique form of translational research beyond the classic bridge between fundamental to clinical research by including population-based research, health decisionmaking support and recommendations to inform health policies.

Our unit consists of a strong contingent of research-driven teachers and hospital practitioners. The research teams are grounded in epidemiological approaches based on the use of specific tools, including numerous cross-sectional or longitudinal studies, population-based registers (coronary diseases in Haute-Garonne, cancer registry in the Tarn, childhood disabilities in Haute-Garonne) allowing for both knowledge production and health data sharing.