MAINTAIN - MAintain Functions and INTrinsec capacities with Aging : Preventive and Personalized INterventional Research

CERPOP, UMR1295, INSERM - University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier joint research unit


Sandrine Andrieu - Manager @  05 61 14 59 32    

The team consists of public health researchers, specialized in epidemiology and sociology, and clinicians specialized in geriatric medicine, neurology and nutrition. The strong involvement of the clinicians has enabled us to conduct ambitious studies in clinical research, both at the national and international level. Our work is based on the implementation and follow-up of cohorts of patients with Alzheimer's disease and has progressively become oriented towards a more interventional approach with the implementation of original intervention programmes. The methodological originality of our studies is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative approach.

Expected health effects

The demonstration of the protective effects of certain factors on cognitive decline will enable, in time, the development of prevention programmes aiming to delay the onset of incapacitating pathologies. For the management of dependency, the demonstration of the benefit of certain types of innovative support could enable them to be rolled out on a larger scale.


ABELLAN van Kan Gabor @ (CHU Toulouse / PH)
ANDRÉ Laurine @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorante)
ANDRIEU Sandrine @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
BOU MALHAM Carmela @ (CHU Liban / doctorante)
BOUGEL Céline @ (INSERM / doctorante)
CANTET Christelle @ (CHU Toulouse / ingénieure statisticienne)
CESTAC Philippe @ (Université / MCUPH1)
COLEY Nicola @ (CHU Toulouse / chercheure)
COUDERC Céline @ (CHU Toulouse / ingénieure)
de MAULÉON Adélaïde @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorante)
de SOUTO BARRETO Philipe @ (CHU Toulouse / PR) HDR
DELRIEU Julien @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorant)
ESCOURROU Emile @ (Université / doctorant)
GALLINI Adeline @ (Université / MCUPH)
GARDETTE Virginie @ (Université / MCUPH1)
GONZALES Emmanuel @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorant)
GRAND Alain @ (Université / chercheur émérite) HDR
GUION Vincent @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorant)
GUYONNET Sophie @ (Université / MCUPH) HDR
NOURHASHEMI Fatemeh @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
OUSSET Jean-Pierre @ (CHU Toulouse / PH)
OUSTRIC Stéphane @ (Université / PUPH)
PAGÈS Arnaud @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorant)
PIAU Antoine @ (CHU Toulouse / PH)
RENOUX Axel @ (CHU Toulouse / ingénieur biostatisticien)
RITZ Patrick @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
ROLLAND Yves @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
ROUCH Laure @ (Université / post-doctorante)
RUMEAU Pierre @ (CHU Toulouse / PH)
SEHAR Ezdi @ (INSERM / post-doctorante)
SORIANO Gaëlle @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorante)
SOTO-MARTIN Maria-Eugenia @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
VELLAS Bruno @ (Université / PUPH) HDR
VILLARS Hélène @ (CHU Toulouse / doctorante)
VOISIN Thierry @ (CHU Toulouse / PH)

Cooperation and Partnerships

EADC Bruno Vellas initiated the European Alzheimer Disease Consortium Disease Consortium

IAGG Bruno Vellas is president of International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics

European Dementia Prevention Initiative (EDPI) : the team has been involved in EDPI since its creation in 2011, which has brought about collaborations, particularly within European projects, with teams from the Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Dr Edo Richard, Dr Eric Moll van Charante, Prof. Willem A. van Gool), the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (Pr Miia Kivipelto, Dr Alina Solomon, Dr Tiia Ngandu) and the University of Cambridge, Royaume Uni (Pr Carol Brayne)

Université de Nouveau Mexique : the team collaborates closely with Prof. Gary Rosenberg (Neuroscience Research, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico, USA)

OCTOGONE, EA-4156 - Multidisciplinary collaboration : sociology (UMR CNRS 5193,UMR 5044 CNRS, psychology

Other international collaborations : Mike Weiner (San Francisco, USA), Marco Pahor (Tampa, USA), Toni Salva (Institute of Aging, Barcelona)

On going projects

Projet HATICE -  Healthy Aging Through Internet Counselling in the Elderly (projet européen)

Projet PRODEMOS - Prevention of Dementia using Mobile Phone Applications (projet européen)

Projet MIND-AD - Multimodal preventive trials for Alzheimer's Disease: towards multinational strategies (projet JPND)

Projet INSPIRE - Institute for Prevention, Healthy Aging and Rejuvenative Medicine

Projet ANITI - Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute

Mise à jour janvier 2020